La question, quand quelqu’un ouvre la bouche, demeure toujours de savoir s’il existe une force plus puissante derrière qui tire les ficelles, et si oui, quoi ou QUI ?
« Le roi dans les mains du Triboulet n’est qu’un pantin tout-puissant qui brise toutes les existences au milieu desquelles le bouffon le fait jouer. »
– Victor Hugo (1802-1885), Le roi s’amuse (1832)
« This whole country is going nuts, and the NRA is in our way
They’re responsible for this whole production
They hold the strings, they control the puppet […]
They love their guns more than our children »
– Eminem [attacks NRA in awards show performance], Nowhere Fast, iHeartRadio Music awards, mars 2018 (March For Our Lives)
« In recent weeks, Beijing has engaged in a widespread propaganda and disinformation campaign to exculpate itself from its fatal mishandling of the coronavirus outbreak. The truth is that China had an opportunity early on to forestall the spread of COVID-19 and alert the world about the threat and chose, instead, to try to protect its reputation—with a shameful assist from Mr. Tedros. »
– Brett D. Schaefer, WHO and Its Leader Play China’s Puppets on Coronavirus (Heritage Foundation, 3 avril 2020)
Et finalement, pensiez-vous que le Parti communiste chinois avait oublié les manifestants pro-démocratie de Hong Kong de 2019 ? Des arrestations ont eu lieu samedi dernier : Under Cover of Coronavirus, Hong Kong Cracks Down on Protest Movement (The New York Times, 21 avril 2020).
À visionner : Michigan Health Care Worker Blasts 'Idiots' Protesting Stay-Home Order | The 11th Hour | MSNBC (15 avril 2020, 3 min.)